Monday, September 30, 2013

*updated* Gender is changeable, Sex is not...well how about that?

So tired...
How is this only week 4? I'm suppose to hit my stride around this time right?

Ok, work list for my own sanity:

  1. 9/24 - Be off book for: August: Osage County Scene
  2. 9/28 - ReRead/Annotate/Transcribe Notes: Judith Butler, Performative Acts and Gender Constitution, ¶'s 11-24
    (5 pgs)
  3. 9/28 - ReRead/Annotate/Transcribe Notes: Aristophanes' Lysistrata
    (7 pages)
  4. 9/28 - Read/Annotate: Text: al-Misri, (d. 1367) “Pilgrimage” (sharīʿa law book chapter)  Trans. N. Keller, 1994. Reliance of the Traveler, 297-370.
    (73 pgs)
  5. 9/28 - Read/AnnotateMalcolm X (with Alex Hayley), The Autobiography of Malcolm X. Ch. 17
    (9 pgs)
  6. 9/28 - Read/AnnotateHammoudi, Abdellah. 2006. “Narrative of a pilgrimage.” Trans. P. Ghazaleh. A Season in Mecca. Chs. 5 & 6, pp. 94-141.
    (47 pgs)
  7. Due 9/29, 10:00 PM - Write: 2 page Double Space Response with annotations on the above three reading assignments
  8. Due 9/30 10:00 AM - Write: WESTERN THEATRE PAPER - 5-6 PAGES "Create a dialogue between Judith Butler's treatise on Performative Acts and Gender Constitution and Aristophanes' Lysistrata"
  9. 9/30 - Read/Annotate: The Tale of Sir Launcelot and Guinevere, pp. 403-467
    (64 pgs)
  10. 9/30 - Read/Annotate: The Death of Arthur, pp. 468-527
    (59 pgs)
  11. 9/30 - Read/Annotate: Explanatory Notes, pp. 556-565
    (9 pgs)
  12. 10/1Read/AnnotateFoley, "Medea's Divided Self"
    (24 pgs)
  13. 10/1 - Read/Annotate: Case, "Classic Drag"
    (5 pages)
  14. 10/2 - Read/Annotate: Testament of Cresseid, pp. 2-47
    (45 pgs)
Ok, maybe not so much sanity...but mental organization.
That's 141 pages to read/annotate by next Tommorow night folks...

Important/get done asap!
Not completed/due date passed

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